God is Omnipotent

God is Omnipotent

 After looking at every part of nature, you can infer that how strange this Universe is!!! If you see commonly you can feel the process of the Genesis (SHRUSTI) is going naturally with the time sense but if you look as a philosopher you see the strangeness of nature and you will be surprise. Every human being is encouraged with the development of science but an experienced person can know that God and his creation, all are beyond imagination.

Though the genesis has been prepared by ‘five basic physical elements(Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Ether)’ there noticed some differences with respect to place, time and other factors. Where there is fertile soil but some where infertile. Somewhere sandy and anywhere silt. Sometimes flowing cold air but sometimes very hot. Rivers has sweet water but salty in case of sea. At day time only sun is in the sky but at night millions of stars. Millions of stars cannot lighten the sky on the new moon day but a moon spreads cool light on full moon day. Food is prepared by using fire but sometimes that fire can destroy all.

The concept of human body (Pinda) and the concept of universe (Brahmanda) are one and the same according to the scriptures (SHASTRAS) as both of them consists of the five basic physical elements.   Sometimes the five elements are beneficiary but sometimes malefic. This is a hidden theory. Universe and human body show same changes due to the five basic physical elements according to time, space and others. Man has made umbrella for rain and sun, made a strong, safety home for a better life for every season. Man can forecast the information about weather and also evacuate people before storms or cyclones to save valuable lives but cannot control the natural disasters.

Whether anyone admits or not that does not matter, but it is true that these five basic physical elements are not made by science. Science continues its research with the five basic elements. These five basic elements could not be made neither by science nor automatically. You cannot eat without the preparation of food, can not harvest without farming. We feel this is an automatic process but it is true that this the creation of God who controls all with supreme power. Somebody may not believe the presence of God because of invisibility, but one can feel this truth with an example. We are not able to see our great grandfathers but they were. For which the generation proceeds till now, otherwise it is impossible. As a result of which the genesis has reached at this present civilization; that means the genesis was started by that invisible super power & it can only be destroyed by the imbalance of the five basic physical elements created by The God.  There is no miracle of science in the creation and destruction of the universe. Science has given us only the temporary solutions of a problem; Like, there is medicines for diseases but it can not eradicate diseases. That mysterious thing is what we called supernatural (miracle of The God). This theory is neither any emotional influence nor overstated.

It’s totally foolish to deny GOD. Man always shows whatever he does. He expects praise, Rewards but feels unhappy when he doesn't get that. But in case of God it happens just the opposite. The Almighty God makes all things happen invisibly. Though HE wishes wellbeing of all creatures, HE never needs any praise. HE doesn't stop his blessings & welfare process due to lack of rewards. He never feels discouraged. Science has revealed some data after doing research about only one universe. But God is the creator of crores of universe. He is the only manager of the whole universes.

HE has created not only human beings, but also foods to remain alive, medicine to cure and all necessary things to live. HE has given thinking power, creativity & skill in human brain to make useful products by using the basic things of nature. Nothing can be done without HIS will. But people get results according to their works. They're two opposite concepts in HIS universe i.e. Good & Evil; but HE always advises to do the good work and get good results. Here a question arises that would there be no indiscipline if The God had kept only GOOD and had abolished the EVIL????? But life is meaningless without both the concept, i.e. Good & Evil. Every organism has appetite for which they work. Who would work if there was no hunger???? We feel pain at the time of work and feel pleasure when we get results of that work. HE has given us hunger to make us feel both pain and pleasure. In this way the working process of the universe is of two type; likewise there are two types of result. The God is responsible for that and not responsible again. As God is the creator of all thoughts. Hence ‘the thoughts of stealing’ in the mind of a thief is HIS creation as well as ‘the thoughts for donation’ in the mind of a sage is also HIS creation. Then why the man is guilty??? Why does he suffer from the terrible consequences of his deeds (KARMAS)????? The reason behind it is very deep & complex. Man has given special rights for doing works. The God never intervene in the works of any human being. Because human being has provided with the conscience to judge the Good & Evil as the best creature of the God. Suggestion has been given here to live and make others live a virtuous life. A human being suffers Evil consequences when he abuses his special rights forgetting the ideology of God while asserting his rights. Though the God exists in all the thoughts, HE is not responsible for all the consequences. HE is the witness of all deeds only.

The Creator (God) & the Genesis are two points of a line. Former has the consciousness whereas the latter has the mind. God has set the mind in every human being; Again, he gives us consciousness in the minds. Here the duty of Human being is to always keep the mind clean through repeated practice so that more & more divine consciousness can be stored there. The ‘mind’ is the creation of God, the ‘consciousness’ and the formula of practice is also the creation of God. The ‘special right to work’ given to human is only to choose & accept the ‘Good’ instead of ‘Evil’, not to abuse the own speciality. Human life becomes disruptive when he does whatever he wants denying the ideology of God.

By establishing two worlds of truth & false hood God has advised us to embrace the truth. The life of one ho works in the path of righteousness is beautiful. The life of one who works in the wrong way is ugly with unbearable misery. Consciousness & unconsciousness are two attributes of God. Life is successful when people are aware. The student has been studying for a year. Exam are held at the end of the year. No matter how many lessons he reads throughout the year, the success and failure depend on how many days he actually spends. What we do not remember by all year long is memorised in a few days; because awareness increases. Man has to give tastes at each moments of life. Man came to the earth only to give test and to make the rare human birth meaningful. We have to be careful at and take the Good into our brain. God makes us dance on the stage of the world with the ‘Thread of illusion’(MAYADORI). The living being is dancing. No one emphasizes on the work of The God. Everyone looks at the creature. Human beings become helpless when the fails after so many attempts. It is cowardice to accept failure on your own without trying. For example, two patients are admitted to the hospitals but one dies and another is cured. For the death we cannot blame the doctor, because the fate of two is not same. God is the regulator of our lives. Man, never knows when he will die. However, we can do better by being aware in each moment.

Here the question arises if everything happens as per the will of The God, it simply came to our notice “Why will the living being do works and why will be aware.” Food is necessary for life. God has provided us rice, dal & vegetables but man has to prepare food from it. God will not provide processed food to us to eat. Man cooks food based on what is beneficial and what is not. Even if a person cooks the same item all the time, the item will taste slightly different. So that will happen what God wants. Sometime a lot of work is done with a little effort; Sometimes even a hundred attempts fail. This is what the God’s will. It has the effect of preconceived notions. That is not what man remembers. In order to do good man is condemned for his deeds. Man has to works with awareness even if everything is done according to God’s will. One should know the depth of the river before having a bath. Because there is affection for life. Everyone has strong desires to live, though he must die someday. The one who wants to live is the one who keeps doing it. It is the God’s will for you to succeed. Good results must come.


                                                      Written by  Bipini Bihari Samal


  1. ଜୟଶ୍ରୀ ଗୁରୁସ୍ୱାମୀ

  2. so nice brother,jay sri charamnath 🙏

  3. ଗୁରୁ ସ୍ୱାମୀ 🙏🙏🙏

  4. ଗୁରୁ ସ୍ୱାମୀ 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  5. Beautifully presented the truth of Science and the exitence of God.

  6. Bipin bhi jay jagannath🙏 apnka mobile no ta dentu


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